#65 Usnea longissima 4 Maze

#65 - Usnea longissima 4 Maze - The complexity of this tangled lichen captures my imagination over and over again. This maze, the forth of my mazes inspired by this species is, perhaps, one of my most visually engaging. I can peer into these tangles with endless fascination.

In earlier works, I've represented only paths of the individual tendrils using single, double or triple lines. This time, I decided to try expressing the shape of the tendrils. This leads to some troubles. As the tendrils get smaller and smaller, they approach the size of my virtual pen point. In earlier drafts of this work, I reverted to single lines for the small branches. This just didn't look right. so I went back to using curves, but I had to fatten and reshape all the smaller lines.

The effect looks so three dimensional that I as I move my head from side to side, I'm fooled into perceiving parallax.

See the other mazes of this lichen series:
0022 Usnea longissima 1
0037 Usnea longissima 2
0064 Usnea longissima 3